Meet Kristian Reiber
Kristian's journey to becoming a transformational health and mindset coach started with his own transformation. After being diagnosed with psoriasis over two decades ago, Kristian was convinced he was stuck with this ailment forever. The many dermatologists he saw over the years always had the same message: "There's no cure." They told him that the only way to manage psoriasis, a common autoimmune disorder, was through the use of man-made pharmaceuticals. After being prescribed an immune suppressing medication, he knew he had to take things into his own hands, walk away from the symptom-based medical system, and find a way to heal naturally.
What if You Could:
End the Pain of Feeling Like Change Isn't Possible for You
It's Never too Late: A Story of Discovering Purpose After 40
A once wimpy kid grows up to overcome childhood abuse and bullying, addictions to sugar and tobacco, autoimmune disease, and low self-esteem. This growth led to shocking positives, and eventually to purpose, after not even understanding what the word meant until his mid-forties. Transforming his health was the next step down the path of finding purpose. Achieving good health led to interest in helping others with their related challenges, through empathy. Transforming his mindset gave him confidence to never give up. Becoming certified as a health and mindset coach, and then witnessing incredible transformations, as clients overcome lifelong challenges, defines his purpose. Will you step outside your comfort zone and allow yourself to discover your purpose? Will you dismiss the beliefs that you're not good enough, not strong enough, or not special enough? Will you stop following the crowd long enough to discover your own incredible gifts? Use this true life story of self-improvement to get the ball rolling and start pursuing your own purpose.

Kristian's Mental Health Articles in Brainz Magazine

- Rachel Curtin
"Even on my most hectic and energy-draining days, I now have daily habits and a mindset that keeps me from feeling my worst"

Cindy L.
"Kristian is a great listener! He lets you share your story & begins you on the path of healing - not just the symptoms or the current state - but the whole you. "
Mellanie K
"Interest without judgment. Encourage-ment without strings attached. Impact that comes in the most unexpected and sincere ways."

- M. K.
"I have gained skills that will help me to have a more productive and happy life."
"The most helpful thing about Kristian's program was Kristian!"